You studied in your thoughts, you studied in your sleep.
I walked with my books to knock off sleep. They tell me I walked till I slept book in hand, resting my shoulder against the pillar that was behind the statue that blessed us all before the exams.
My lovely little sis made me spicy sauce ki namkin (a hostel special) to ensure hunger pangs didn't strike when studying mattered most.
The nuns, brought us our warm glasses of milk on the dot - 9:30pm. A little bit more to go, they gently reminded us as we crammed our heads with History, Geography, Literature, Science, Hindi and a whole lot more.
You know the exams were upon you, when you looked at all the sleep deprived eyes around you, when the desperate prayers of help began, when the girl on the bed next to yours started talking text in her sleep.
You never imagined that life would come full circle and the deprived sleep pattern would be back again. Last night, as we put the final touches to Aneesha's exam bags, which took no longer than five minutes in the room next door, we came back to see Dhruv crashed on the table and there was something going on his sleep.....