Baba, look, look there....
Baba, see the camera is there....
You get one happy one to do a little dance....
They end up dancing in the wrong spot....
The eyes are fixed....
For a moment you think you have the shot....
That's when they choose to look away....
Thank goodness for perfect frames...
PS: It is moment like these that I shall treasure the most. It's turning out to be a year when some of my closest pals are packing their bags for greener/greyer/colder/better shores. I view these moments with more than the usual tinge of regret. As I've often said, it gets harder to make friends as you age. But when you've got to go, you've got go. So, here's wishing our dear pals Adity, Vineet and our kids' dear pals Arnaav and Viraj, the very best. Do I even need to say it - you shall all be missed.